The History & Legacy of UMW

UMW Digital History Archive

Campus History

The Bell Tower at the University of Mary Washington.
Unknown. “Untitled Photograph of UMW Bell Tower.” SmugMug, November 10, 2020.


The Campus History category focuses on the history of the University of Mary Washington. This includes topics such as our progression from a State Normal School to UMW, the history of buildings on campus, and more. Scroll down to explore an overview of the topics under this category.

How to navigate this page:

This page is organized by topic with the topics listed in bold and brief overviews of the sites under that topic. You can click on each link to access the website discussed. The sites denoted with an asterisk (*) are the ones that we made changes to in order to recover them and or update them to a more accessible format , the double asterisked sites are still works in progress. You can learn more about these edits in our Wayback Machine & Works in Progress posts under the Digital Preservation tab.


Explore the HCC *(2016) houses a plethora of information and resources on the Hurley Convergence Center at the University of Mary Washington’s Fredericksburg campus. It includes information on the various resources available to students within the building from front desk materials you can check out to the Writing Center. This site also provides a look into the construction of the building with a timeline, interviews, and more.

Explore UMW History *(2020) provides a unique virtual exploration of the Fredericksburg campus with images of the campus, and even a virtual tour. Unfortunately, the virtual tour is presently down, but you can view a transcript of the tour on the site’s accessibility page.

Historic Buildings of UMW *(2012) provides a focus on the campus buildings that each carry a rich history. From residence halls to other buildings of significance like Brompton, this site provides a walk through the past of UMW’s campus and the stories each building has to tell.

The Renaming of James Farmer Hall Project (2022) tells of Dr. James Farmer’s legacy as a part of the University of Mary Washington. This project was put onto a new website to inform people about the history of the building as well as the process behind the name change to James Farmer Hall. This site also includes links to many previously done projects on Dr. James Farmer.


Scrapbooks of the 1960s** (2014) houses a collection of four Mary Washington College organization scrapbooks. This site includes the scrapbooks from the Young Republicans and Home Economics Clubs from1961-69. This archive provides a look into campus history and campus life.

Mary Washington Images Throughout the Years (2010) is a site dedicated to archiving the past and present of campus life at Mary Washington. You can browse the collections in a variety of ways from specific time periods, to exhibits on important campus events like Devil Goat Day, or even just as one big gallery.

Then and Now UMW *(2014) serves as another photo exhibition of the University of Mary Washington over time. It includes a collections tab that allows you to navigate through the exhibition by decade and uniquely blends some of the past and present photos of buildings to help demonstrate the changes over time.


Century America – The State Normal School (2014) provides a look at UMW – then the State Normal School – and its history during the First World War. This site also expands into the larger Fredericksburg community and talks about the influenza pandemic that followed the war and its effects on campus in addition to connecting to an even larger site examining the effects of the war on multiple colleges. You can find more info on the larger project under the Fredericksburg category.

UMW Name Change and UVA (2022) documents the name change from Mary Washington College to the University of Mary Washington in 2004. This site also includes the history of UVA and UMW’s connection as well as wide variety of archives concerning the name change. This site is a part of the UMW Lib Guides parent page.
