Learn more about the incredible class and professor who started all of these Digital History projects. This page will guide you through all of the past sites and interactions of the course and also provide a brief bio on Dr. McClurken. Dr. McClurken Dr. Jeffrey McClurken is an instrumental member of the University of Mary […]
This page’s purpose is to house the previous course sites for the past iterations of the Adventures of Digital History class: https://digitalhistory.umwblogs.org/ (Spring 2008) https://dh2010.umwblogs.org/ (Spring 2010) https://dh2012.umwblogs.org/ (Spring 2012) https://dh2014.umwblogs.org/ (Spring 2014) http://courses.mcclurken.org/adh/ (Spring 2016) http://courses.mcclurken.org/adh18/ (Spring 2018) https://courses.mcclurken.org/adh20/ (Spring 2020) https://courses.mcclurken.org/adh22/ (Spring 2022)
OVERVIEW Here you can learn more about the hard work done to restore and recover the past Digital History Sites as well as before and after screenshots. Here you can also find all of the past iterations of the Adventures in Digital History Course taught by Dr. McClurken at UMW.